Martin Colborne - Glass Ceilings of Forbidden Science. BASES2024 Xmas
BASES2024 Xmas Event
1h 28m
SPEAKER BIO - Martin Colborne
Talk Title: Forbidden Science and its Glass Ceilings
Description The Forbidden fields of Scientific research and looking in detail at six of the greatest discoverers of alternative energy.
Martin was deeply involved with the later stages of the SEARLE Effect Generator, and magnetic field flight technology. He has new information to reveal to the SEARLE Effect Saucer equipment and manufacturing the technology, and ultimately the failure of Lacer Airways.
Suppressed technology, keeping us locked into the fraudulent world of Einsteinian Physics.
Martin Colborne has spent a lifetime of research into diverse esoteric subjects including:- UFOs’, Occult forces, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, etc. and Gnosticism which he considers is the ‘Gold’ standard of advanced esoteric knowledge. With a background of Engineering he is still involved with several Etheric Science, and alternative energy projects, and is also an experienced past life regression practitioner.
Martin has spoken before at BASES events, we welcome him again at Bouverie Hall
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