Bases 147 - SSP Witnesses
Bases 147 - SSP Witnesses Part 5 - Bill Teising Bubble Tek Update & Susan Long
Billy Teising is an Extremely High Voltage (EHT- over 1million volts) engineer, and has considerably advanced the the “Bubble Tech” science of electric field applications. Here he updates his earlier work on Bases 78 with Mike Emery, and the “Bubble tech” advances 4 years ago.
Now he is helping SSP witnesses to get around their issues, in the advanced off world wars.
Introducing SSP (Secret Space Program)witnesses Susan Long and Amiria Street.
This is both an update to Bases 78 with Bill in the past, and a major contribution to the SSP discussion
Up Next in Bases 147 - SSP Witnesses
Bases 147 Part 6 - SSP by Penny Bradl...
Dedicated to the awakening communities, this part of the Bases Project’s personal research by Miles Johnston, is to educate and inform about the huge scale of flawed bought physics, and how the real physics has got literally millions of German colonies across the solar system and to Galaxies far ...
Bases147 Part 7 - Susan Long
Secret Space Program - Ireland - Wars off World