Thomas Mikey Jensen - SpaceLink TV
Thomas Mikey Jensen of SpaceLink TV, Share his point of view on the universe and it's many mysteries.
Atlantis Approaching MIR 1998
Space Shuttle Atlantis recorded Unidentified Flying Objects on its approach to The MIR Spacestation.
The anomalies start to appear at timestamp 1.55 in the video.
This is from a live stream by NASA back in 1998 recorded on VHS tape by Martyn Stubbs. -
UFO's in Space STS mission 80
The onboard cameras on the STS 80 space shuttle captured multiple Unidentified Flying Objects.
What you see is captured from a NASA Live stream in the late 90s by Martyn Stubbs, who later went to publish his collection of NASA uncut live streams on YouTube. -
UFO's In Space! UFO's Over Houston.
UFOs have been recorded many times by the onboard cameras on the STS Space Shuttles since the mid-80s.
This video clip is just one of many. -
STS Mission 80 UFOs
Unidentifed flying objects caught by NASA on LIVE stream from 1996.
Anunnaki Gods & Goddesses - Inanna A Queen That Time Forgot
Inanna - Queen of Heaven & Earth
This is a great little bio of Innana and her life as a Queen.
Innana was well known for achieving her goal by using her "Female Powers" She was fearless and fiery, and would never accept a no.
She would always reach her goal !
Amazing story of an amazing queen. -
Mars Unveiled - The Full Evaluation of The M18 Anomaly Found on Mars.
In August 2000, the Mars Global Surveyor Satellite took an image that show something extra ordinary on it.
What look like a round saucer shaped object, was at first dismissed as an error on the image.
Thomas Mikey Jensen took the challenge, an can now present the full evidence of it not being an ... -
The Black Knight Satellite. Duncan Lunan Exclusive. SpaceJunk Ep 2
The Black Knight Satellite !
What is the Black Knight Satellite and how have it become such a mystery!
We look into the images from STS Mission 88, and the signals that Nicola Tesla recieved in in 1899.
Watch Duncan Lunan Exclusive with Dollie IndigoStar in an interview where he put things right... -
Space Junk EP1 - Is It All Just Junk !
NASA has delivered thousands of video material of ligths that changes direction in space, They call it Ice Crystals, we call it a lie.
Let's have a look at 44 NASA video recordings from the many STS Missions performed since the late 70s. Is It All Just Junk ! -
Astro Archaeology & Mars Jumproom
The short version and presentation of The Mars Jumproom Partipants
DocUFObia What If... We Had Full Disclosure Tomorrow !
What If... The governments around the world told the truth about life in our universe ?
What If... We found out there is life on the moon and on Mars ?
What If... You could ask a question regarding the new statement of life in our Universe, What would you ask ?
Did the Apollo 11 team see a UFO th... -
Mysterious Square Hole & Cylinder Shaped Object Spotted on Mars
Mars has always captivated the minds of scientists and space fans. Its unique landscape, marked by towering cliffs and strange formations, sparks intrigue and invites exploration. Recently, an exceptional image from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has ignited conversations and speculation. ...
Uncovering the Mystery of Juventae Chasma: A Satellites Glimpse into the Unknown
The exploration of Mars has long captured our imaginations, but the possibility of past civilizations adds a whole new layer of excitement. Recently, a striking satellite image of Juventae Chasma drew the interest of Yurij Kono, an anomaly hunter known for his fascinating discoveries.
Captured ...
Uncovering the Mystery: Rami Bar Ilan and the Enigmatic Pyramid Image
See more at
The Cube & The Square Brickwall on Mars
Did you know ther is a cube on Mars and a small construction not far from it!
You can find the original images at: -
The Mars Henge - Anomaly Hunting & Beyond
Most of us have heard of and know of Stonehenge, but how many have heard of Mars-henge.
The Mars-Henge is a rock formation on top of a mound, about 20 Meters tall. How did these rocks get on top of that mound?
And why are there not any other similar-sized rocks around in the area?
A clear shot of... -
What could we look at in 5 of these NASA & Space X recordings?
CIA, Backengineering, Murder & Mars
What Happened to William Whitecrow!
What evidence did he want to share?
What programs has he been part of?
RIP Bill Parish -
Indisputable Signs of Life on Mars!
Curiosity Rover on Mars has beamed back pictures of the Martian surface, which undeniably show us artificially created objects on the surface.
Triangular UFO Caught Passing By Space X's Dragon Module
In 2018 During a cargo mission to the ISS Space Station, a mysterious object was caught passing by the Spacestation by the onboard Camera's.
What could we be looking at! -
The Baltic Sea Anomaly. An Unsolved Mystery.
The Baltic Sea Anomaly. A mystery still unsolved.
But what do the crew on Ocean X Team think of what they found back in 2011?
Hear them give their private thoughts of what the anomaly could be.
What do the Ocean X Teams followers believe it is ?
I talked to a'lot of them as well, and you can he... -
Did Anomaly Hunter Find Nuts and Bolt on Mars in Curiosity Image
The Smoking Gun on Mars is still smoking!
Big Credit to David Gannett Marsx3D (YouTube) Also Chris Moroney Mars Anomalies (YouTube)
Researchers are astonished after seeing the image from Curiosity Rover showing a Real bolt as we know it on the surface of Mars, next to a few objects with a profi...
The Baltic Sea Anomaly - A Journey Back In Time
Join me on a one hour journey back in time, with The Ocean X Team.
Review some of the ROV underwater footage and videos of the anomaly.
This is some of the most intriguing foto's, animations, video's, and updates about the BSA.
Hope you give it a watch and a share.
What could it be !
Will we... -
Amazing Mars And The Connection With Egypt !
What we see on Mars could be constructions like we know from Egypt but minimum 10.000 years older.
See why and how this theory has been collected and brought together.
This is my contribution to connect the dots between Mars and Egypt.The Egypt Gigapan for educational practice: http://gigapan....