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Bases TV.
A Home for Dissident Science.
Miles Johnston is founder of the independent research project 'The Bases Project', first created in 1994, after interviewing a security guard, called Barry King, who was part of the various programs being conducted at the British underground military base, between the village of Peasemore, and the RAF nuclear base, RAF Welford. Other wise described under the number "AL-499".
A second person who had experienced the same issues, as described in the Peasemore laboratories,(connected to the Rutherford surface labs) was a woman, a member of Mensa, called "Lisa". Lisa has had 2 children via USAF personnel, and now work in what is called the SSP.She also met the Greys, of various types, many times.
The Greys are the front edge of the Alpha Draconis, a Hive mind extremely aggressive species that take over civilisation by stealth. The first you see are the Greys.
Both were interviewed by Miles Johnston, in 1994,for 2 hours. Their straight forward witness accounts, and subtle descriptions of what is going on there, convinced Miles to go deeper.
Thus Bases was born, then it soon became The Bases Project.
The activities in these British military bases connect with deep and Very deep under tunnel systems and bases, across the world, and are populated with numerous nationalities, and non terrestrial beings, and they "make aliens". Termed "programmed generated life forms",- PGLFs, later known as Non Human Cyborg Units- NHCU.
These bases have huge cloning and 'processing" facilities.
The British base AL-499 carrying identical activities as the infamous Dulce base in New Mexico.All kinds of transgenic creatures are made in these labs, including enhanced human soldiers, thus the Super Soldier programs.
Thus the MoD's description - "UFOs-No Defence Significance", as we are making aliens, dealing with them on an industrial scale, and we are right up to our necks in multiple types of beings. NONE in our interests.
The key remark by Barry and Lisa, they are double and triple crossing us, and stabbing each other in the back.
One further source described making "programmable life forms" for "The Lunar Base". Britain's Lunar Base.
That is just the start.
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The Cube & The Square Brickwall on Mars
Did you know ther is a cube on Mars and a small construction not far from it!
You can find the original images at:
UFO's in Space STS mission 80
The onboard cameras on the STS 80 space shuttle captured multiple Unidentified Flying Objects.
What you see is captured from a NASA Live stream in the late 90s by Martyn Stubbs, who later went to publish his collection of NASA uncut live streams on YouTube.